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7 more tips for implementing your ERP

This is the 4th blog post in our series looking at the best practices for implementing a new ERP system or upgrading from an older ERP. The first blog looked at success outcomes and business readiness vs. change management. The second post discussed what's changing and how to prepare your organization for change. In this next installment, we dive deeper into our Unit4 Readiness Checklist, which we have developed after delivering numerous successful ERP implementations. 

We will focus on 7 key areas:

1. Business readiness

To achieve business readiness, a clear vision of the operational future state has been defined and documented and will be used in communications and training. A change leader, change team, and change champions have all been identified. This will need to take resource availability into account as most of the team will have day jobs to do and will not be dedicated only to the change program. 

A change leader is accountable for the successful delivery of changeThey are responsible for coordinating the implementation and testing of changes, managing communication and training, and providing progress and status reports. They ensure that the change delivers the expected outcomes and value and that all documentation and feedback are properly captured.

The change team is responsible for everything related to the execution of the change program, and change champions are employees who volunteer or are selected to support and promote a culture change initiative. They play a vital role in influencing their peers, facilitating communication, and providing feedback to the change team and leaders.

2. Process readiness

Process readiness means user processes have been established, documented, and validated for all teams. This means having process documents for every team within the organization. But process readiness goes beyond just documenting the processes.

Detailed Go Live task lists are also needed so that everyone clearly understands what needs to be completed and when to ensure a smooth transition. As part of this, the business operational roles must understand their roles both pre and post transition date.

Click to read How Cloud ERP can change your organization for the better gated

3. Software testing 

Testing is a crucial part of the process when implementing a new software system. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Integration System Testing (IST) or System Integration Testing (SIT) are two common types of testing. While they may seem similar, they have distinct differences.

UAT is typically performed by end-users of the software and focuses on ensuring the system meets their specific requirements and needs. This type of testing is conducted in a controlled environment where end-users can execute specific tasks to ensure the software is user-friendly and efficient. UAT aims to identify any potential issues or bugs in the system before it goes live. Leaders need to be aware of testing fatigue or burnout and must ensure the process does not become monotonous or too time-consuming. 

On the other hand, IST focuses on testing the integration of the new software with other existing systems within the organization. The IT department often does this testing to ensure the new system seamlessly integrates with the current infrastructure. The goal is to ensure that data can flow freely between different systems without interruptions or loss.

4. Technical readiness

Technical readiness focuses on not just the software but also any hardware requirements; for example, are scanners and printers that have been tested, validated, and are ready to connect available to your new cloud platform?

Often a PC audit is required, and IST testing is undertaken with different functions, particularly finance, HR, and payroll. You'll need to undertake load and performance tests to ensure everything is running smoothly.

5. Solution readiness

Localizations are often required, so as part of the solution readiness checklist, we check that localization documents are in place and signed off and technical tests have been completed. These include functional and system testing of interfaces, localizations, and customizations. 

We also make sure both our Unit4 test team and your own team have carried these out and agreed they are up, running, and working correctly. And finally, we check that the solution is set up in production and ready to go.

6. Data readiness

Often data cannot just be 'lifted and shifted' from one system to another, so a data migration plan is essential. Part of the process includes migrating and testing data in both IST and UAT. And again, we'll only move forward once the data cleansing and data conversion is complete.

As part of data readiness, you'll also need a Data Governance Process with data owners and data stewards identified and documentation on data management rules with clear data management processes.

7. Support readiness

This includes confirming a support team, knowing when the support team will be available, having clear instructions for all users, and having the support team cover escalations and SLAs. This all needs to be documented and communicated to the wider business.

Post Go-Live

You've gone live! We'll cover this in our next blog, but going live is not the end of the journey. If anything, it's the start of a new and exciting journey.

You can learn more about our suite of solutions and our implementation process at unit4.com

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