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Join our Virtual User Experience Lab

Help us design products and features that make a positive difference to you and your organization.

Join our virtual user experience lab to share your thoughts and co-create new experiences with us.

Help us shape the future of Unit4

By joining us to participate in activities like interviews, surveys or concept tests, we learn more about your experiences, challenges and needs. And uncover important insights that help us improve the experience for everyone using our products.

Share your honest feedback to help us understand the challenges you face, so we can work out how to make things better for everyone.

Get a sneak preview of what’s coming next –
from new concept designs to innovative solutions.

Accept a small gift from us to say thank you. Choose from a gift card, a charity donation or ask us to plant a tree on your behalf as part of our reforestation project.

How does it work?

1. Sign up – just a few quick questions 
about your role and organization.

2. Get notified – if a research study is
right for you, we'll email you the details.

3. Select a slot – choose one of the
time slots provided that suits you.

4. Participate – activities are usually
held remotely and last up to 1 hour.

5. Accept a gift – as a thank you
for your time and support.


What information do I need to give to sign up?

We’ll ask you some general questions about the organization you work in and your role there. This helps us match you to research activities that might be a good fit for you. 

How and when will I be asked to join an activity?

Once we have a research activity that we think would suit you, we will send you an email to ask if you’d like to take part.

What happens after the study finishes?

We frequently post the learnings and outcomes of our research activities in Community4U. If you’re a Unit4 customer or partner, you can follow our User Experience Lab feed in the community.

What if I no longer want to take part?

If you change your mind later and would prefer not to participate in research activities, simply unsubscribe by clicking here.

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