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Navigating COVID-19; we’re here 4U

from  April 20, 2020 | 3 min read

In this period of uncertainty we’re committed to supporting the Unit4 community. “In Business for People” isn’t just a strapline for Unit4, it’s a belief we hold true about our customers, partners, employees, and their families. COVID-19 (coronavirus) has given us a new dimension to how we think about “people”. Just like you, we’ve been closely following the progress of the pandemic, monitoring government policies and reviewing guidance from public health officials to inform us as to how best to help all the people we serve across the globe.

We put people first. All necessary safeguarding precautions against COVID-19 have been put in to place to protect our people regardless of function or geography. We’ve successfully moved to a remote working model, so our people provide a full and uninterrupted service to our clients from the safety of their homes. In addition to this, our business continuity plans mean we’re able to continue operations as usual and our clients and partners continue to have full access to all Unit4 support services.

Ensuring business continuity - Systems Infrastructure & Reliability

As a Unit4 customer, we know that you rely on us to support you regardless of your method of deployment - on-premise, managed services or software-as-a-service. Business continuity is a top priority for us and our planning ensures this by leveraging diverse data-centres and public cloud partners like Microsoft Azure. Our Global Cloud Operations Centres are also managed in different locations to ensure resilience of Unit4’s systems.. All our technical employees are equipped to work remotely so business can continue at the speed you need it to, without interruption. Our support locations continue to deliver seamless remote working capabilities and we are maintaining continuity of service and meeting Service Level Agreements.

We’ve also conducted a risk-based business impact analysis across all divisions of our organization and will refresh this process on an ongoing basis. The analysis allows us to identify critical activities, resources and external/internal issues which could impact the continuity of our operations. This robust review enables us to provide strong operational resilience and continuity of service during and after business disruption by using strategies and plans to maintain and preserve those processes which have the greatest impact on our customers.

Professional Services

Our professional services team has quickly moved to a remote and virtual delivery model, meeting the needs of all our customers across all operating regions. They continue to execute successfully with the full suite and people capability of services being delivered globally. Projects are initiating, continuing and going live with no impact on timelines and quality delivered as we help customers reconfigure projects to home work. Our Professional Services teams and infrastructure are available to provide customers additional resources should they need it.

These are extraordinary times. It’s heartening to see that in the face of adversity people from all across the globe are demonstrating their sense of community, belonging and comradery. Harnessing this positive human spirit will be key to overcoming the challenges that will undoubtably lay ahead. Here at Unit4 we’re a business that puts ideas into action. Nobody could have anticipated that millions of us would be working from home, but we’re proud that we’ve had no interruption in our ability to run our business.

Our commitment to our customers, partners and our people has never been stronger. Wherever you are in your journey, we’re just a click or call away. Your account teams are standing by to answer questions or guide you to the right person to assist. Unit4’s Community 4U, our new online customer community, is available 24/7 so you can get answers to your questions and connect with your peers, our partners and Unit4 domain experts in a dedicated COVID-19 forum. While times may be uncertain, your partnership with Unit4 is not. We’re here 4U.

If you have any questions, please contact your account manager or get in touch here.