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How long does cloud transformation take?

from  April 7, 2022 | 3 min read

Although organizations in all sectors are exploring cloud transformation, many still have anxieties around basic practical considerations. What exactly does the process entail? How much time will it take? How much disruption will it cause? 

We worked with South Oxfordshire District Council to successfully move them from an old on-premises system to Unit4 ERP cloud in less than a year. They were looking for effective consultancy support for the overall project management along with strategic and technical advice, all of which were provided by Unit4.

The transition journey to cloud

South Oxfordshire District Council’s technology strategy set out a path to transition to cloud Software as a service (SaaS) for all IT applications and services and mapped out a five-year work plan. They identified significant efficiencies and service transformation opportunities – they just needed to move to a service that could deliver on their objectives

The Unit4 upgrade was an integral part of this technology strategy. Once the business case had been established and agreed and gained government approval, they chose to upgrade their system to a new managed service, taking them from their old on premise to Unit4 ERP in the cloud in less than a year – far exceeding their expectations.

South Oxfordshire District Council is home to a big economy with a population of around three hundred thousand and forty thousand businesses set in some of the largest business parks in the UK, so it was crucial that the project was a success. Unit4 and their own team set about with rigor and determination to bring the project in on time, budget and achieving their target outcomes.

Paving the way for a successful project

All the different teams involved in the project worked with a collaborative spirit, and despite there being some ups and downs, they worked together and had the right conversations at the right times about the right technical issues that ultimately made any problems disappear, resulting in excellent project delivery.

Along with the harmonized approach to collaboration, a key factor in the success of the project was the thorough reporting and management of deliverables throughout, ensuring the project hit all time, cost, and outcome targets.

Effective external consultancy

The customer-focussed training and support provided by Unit4 allowed a smooth transition in a far shorter time than anticipated. South Oxfordshire District Council now have much clearer visibility of finances and reporting and are continually capitalizing on the additional capabilities and functionalities that also allow for a much better user experience.  

David Wilde, the council’s Technical Advisor, says: “The project management and technical expertise from Unit4 was outstanding. The consultants that helped build it were brilliant, and the relationship built with the team meant we all learnt together on the journey to a successful outcome.”

To discover more, please check out this presentation for a comprehensive overview of the successful cloud transformation from beginning to end, courtesy of South Oxfordshire District Council. Want to share your story? Reach out to us today!

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