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Announcing X4U 2021’s 3 external keynote speakers: Steve Cadigan, Peter Hinssen, and Mark Gallagher

from  October 13, 2021 | 4 min read

We’re counting down the weeks to this year’s X4U in November. To help you pass the time, we’ve got some big news – we can now officially announce our entire keynote speaker line-up.

Our CEO and Chief Product Officer will be joined by three inspirational speakers from across industry to help you discover and seize the opportunities of accelerating technological change.

Steve Cadigan joins us for a masterclass in talent strategy

On day 1 we’ll be joined by talent and culture leader and Workquake author Steve Cadigan.

Steve’s best known for scaling LinkedIn from 400 to 4000 employees in just three and a half years and developing its legendary company culture in its period of highest growth. Today, Steve helps companies reframe what they offer to employees and helps employees take ownership of uncertain careers and futures. He offers strategy and insight on talent in times of disruption through keynotes, seminars, and workshops.

At a time where 69% of decision-makers but just 43% of employees think that delivering a positive work culture is a top priority in their organization, Steve will join us to:

  • Discuss building great workplace cultures and employer brands
  • Safeguard your business from talent risk by attracting the right people
  • Build effective strategies for human capital management strategies, processes, and technologies.

Peter Hinssen on the possibilities for radical innovation in business and leadership in the digital age.

Serial entrepreneur and five-time bestseller Peter Hinssen’s career to date has seen him found and sell 3 successful tech start-ups, serve as Entrepreneur in Residence to McKinsey, and present keynote headliners for multiple Fortune 1000 companies.

He lectures at various business schools such as the London Business School (UK) and MIT in Boston. Peter has founded nexxworks to help organizations become fluid, innovate and thrive in “The Day After Tomorrow”.

As the way we manage both technology and people is becoming more important than ever before, Peter will share his lessons on:

  • Radical innovation, and how our organizations can survive it.
  • How we can explore the limits of our digital world and what happens when technology becomes “normal.”
  • How organizations can survive disruption and emerge from it stronger by reimagining their purpose and structure to keep pace with changes in their environment.

Mark Gallagher on creating a winning customer experience in high-performance organizations

Mark is a racing veteran and entrepreneur who has held senior roles in the high-performance world of Formula 1 for 30 years – including 15 years on the boards of two world-famous teams, Jordan Grand Prix and Red Bull Racing, and later as MD of the Cosworth Formula 1 engine company.

Since 2012 Mark has focused on his Formula 1 consulting business, Performance Insights, working with a range of clients across the sport. He has written three books, Grand Prix - The Last 25 Years (WH Smith, 1999) and two editions of The Business of Winning (Kogan Page, 2014) with a fully revised, 2nd edition scheduled for publication on 3rd October 2021. He’s also collaborated with David Coulthard on his Sunday Times Best Seller The Winning Formula (Blink Publishing, 2018).

Mark will bring his Formula 1 experience to bear in creating customer strategies that ensure the people you ultimately go to work for don’t get lost in the great acceleration of business transformation. Including:

  • Injecting the winning streak into your business strategy through customer-centricity.
  • Keeping up with your customers’ changing expectations even as you keep up with organizational transformation.
  • Achieving and succeeding in complex regulatory environments while staying true to your mission.

Mike Ettling – a vision for the post-COVID future

Our CEO Mike Ettling will be walking us through what he sees coming as we emerge from the pandemic – a great acceleration of trends that have been proliferating throughout all sectors for the past several years. Including changes to how people need to lead, how people relate to the work they do, and what organizations can do to win the talent experience and provide an environment that keeps people coming back to work – wherever they’re working from.

Mike’s session will cover:

  • The permanent changes we can all expect to see – with new research insights into how employees and leaders see transformation shaping up.
  • How organizations can use technology to win the employee experience through technology that removes friction and enables their people to be their best selves.
  • How organizations can win the customer experience through a whole-lifecycle approach assisted by data-driven performance and customer-centricity.

Dmitri Krakovsky on the future of the People Experience Suite

Our Chief Product Officer Dmitri Krakovsky will be outlining his vision for the People Experience suite – including all the latest developments in our products and roadmap as we create solutions designed to help you and your people orchestrate a beautiful system within your organization that lets you experience real purpose.

Check out the website to register and learn more

For more info on all our speakers and everything else we have in store at this year’s X4U, check out the website below to register your interest and keep up to date with all our latest agenda, industry, product, and individual session announcements.

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